
AS Uglands Rederi consolidated has a solid balance sheet and a strong financial position, with a relative low level of interest-bearing debt and a high equity ratio. The recognised equity constitutes 72% of total assets as of yearend 2023. The company has focus on long-term relationships, financial solvency and liquidity.

operating income 2023ebitda 2023

In 2023, the company posted operating income of NOK 1 173 million (1 260 in year 2022), which includes gain on sale of two bulk carriers and one barge of NOK 159 million. Operating expenses totalled NOK 865 million (851). The operating result before depreciation (EBITDA) came in at NOK 400 million (515), while the operating result (EBIT) closed on NOK 308 million (409). Total depreciation recognised in the financial statements amounted to NOK 92 million (106).

The result for the year before tax and minority interests came in at NOK 326 million (384). After reversed tax expenses of NOK 2 million and minority interests of NOK 0 million, the consolidated result for the year closed on NOK 328 million.

More details in the annual report, found below.
ur consolidated